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Parent Policies

Mission Statement:

Our centre welcomes and accepts children of all abilities into our early learning program. The children within our program will be treated as individuals where they will be encouraged to learn through play while developing his/her potential and abilities. Because we view children as natural problem solvers we support free exploration of their surrounding environment.

            Families have the primary responsibility for the care and education of their children. We value positive and supportive relationships while respecting the diversity of each family.

            Children and their families live in communities that shape early experiences. We work in partnership with the community to enrich our program while providing a valuable service to the community.

            The staff are trained Early Childhood Educators who guide the children through a variety of learning experiences and seek to personalize the relationships with the children. Staff are valued for their vision, delight in children and their heart.

Childcare Objectives:

  • To help the child feel confident and develop a positive self image.

  • To develop skills by providing thinking and problem solving activities that gives each child a desire for the love of learning.

  • Children will be encouraged to choose their interest, do active exploration and develop at their own pace.

  • To provide a safe environment for each child to learn in and explore.

  • To respect the needs of every child as well as the needs of the whole group.

  • To provide an effective communication system between staff and parents while encouraging them to take an active role in the development in their child.


Our program is specifically designed for children aged 3 to 5 years. To register, a child must be 3 years of age or older on or before December 31 of the current school year and/or must be fully toilet trained. A child under 3 years may be given consideration provided they are fully toilet trained.   

Parents are requested to arrange an appointment for a preliminary visit and interview. During the visit parents will receive an admission package and all forms must be returned before your child’s first day. It is important that all information be completed including health care number, immunization record, and emergency contact persons to ensure the safety and security of your child.

Operating Information:

We run from Monday to Thursday. We welcome children into the classroom at 9:00 a.m. (to 11:30 a.m.) for the morning program and 12:45 p.m. (to 3:15 p.m.) for the afternoon program. It is not possible for staff to assume responsibility for any child before class begins and when class ends.


A one month written notice to withdraw from care is required.  The centre holds the right to discontinue services if the health and safety of others is at risk.  The following circumstances will merit a stop of services:

  • Non payment of fees

  • Non compliance with policies and procedures

  • Consistent lateness of picking up your child

Holiday Closures:

The centre will follow the Brandon School Division calendar and will close for winter break, spring break and summer break.

The centre will be closed on the following statutory holidays:

  • Louis Riel Day

  • Good Friday

  • Victoria Day

  • Canada Day

  • Civic Holiday

  • Labour Day

  • National Day for Truth & Reconciliation

  • Thanksgiving Day

  • Remembrance Day (only on weekdays)

* If any of these days fall on a weekend, the following weekday(s) will be closed in lieu of.


*Our current fee for this school year is $100.00/month.

All fees are subject to change; families will be notified one calendar month prior to any fee changes.  Receipts are issued for all fee payments; please keep these for income tax purposes.  No fee adjustments are made for statutory holidays, illness or absenteeism.

Overdue Accounts:

There is a $20.00 NSF charge for cheques or any other returned payment.  An overdue account will result in termination of care, and will be turned over to a collection agency if payments are not made.  An extension of no more than two weeks MAY be negotiated.  A fee of $10 will be charged in addition to all outstanding fees after every 5 days when payment is due (1st of the month).


No information, verbal or written, regarding a child or their family will be released to anyone other than what is required by law.  In the event of a medical emergency, medical information will be shared with the proper people.  All children’s files are confidential and stored in a secure area.  They are for the use of the staff only.  Parents may access their child’s file upon request and an appointment can be set up to review the file with the director.  All files are the property of the centre and will be kept for the period of time established by law.  

  • Volunteers

We encourage volunteer participation to provide opportunities for community involvement, career exploration and self development.  Volunteers are not included in ratio and are never left alone with the children.  All volunteers must pass a child abuse clearance before working in the centre.

  • Parent participation and communication

Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in the activities and administration of the centre.  We believe that early learning must be a shared responsibility and a variety of opportunities will be provided to ensure effective communication.  In the event that you have a congratulation, concern or complaint, we encourage you to let us know.

  • Annual Centre Evaluation:

Every year centre evaluations are given to all families. We use these to help us discover what you value in our child care program. We encourage you to rate and comment on several areas as your input is important to our improvement. Evaluations are anonymous.

  • Arrivals and Departures:

In the beginning tears are expected as your child adjusts to the new surroundings. The staff are there to help your child through these difficult times. Our suggestion is for you to settle your child into an activity, say goodbye, and then leave.

To ensure the safety and security of your child, we require the following:

  1. Parents must notify the centre if someone other than themselves will be picking up the child. A child will not be released to anyone without your authorization. That person will be asked for photo ID and must be 16 years of age or older.

  2. If you have a court order that limits the rights of one parent in matters of custody, or visitation you MUST provide us with a copy.

  • Late Policy:

If your child has not been picked up by closing time and we have not been notified, the following steps will be taken:

  1. We will call your home, cell phone, and place of work.

  2. If we are unable to contact you, we will notify the emergency contact.

  3. We will contact Child and Family Services if we are unable to reach

      family or emergency contact half an hour after closing.

** A late fee of $5.00 per 15 minutes will be charged for repeated late pick-ups. We understand that life happens and some day’s late pickups are inevitable. Late fees are due at the time of pick-up if repeated late pickup occurs. If lateness is on-going we may ask you to make alternative arrangements. Late fees are not covered by subsidy.

  • Clothing and Possessions:

Your child should be dressed in casual, comfortable clothing that allows them to explore and play without fear of getting dirty. Accidents can happen, so we request that extra clothing be kept at the centre. In order for us to keep things organized and losses to a minimum, please label all of your child’s clothing and possessions. It is also required for your child to have a pair of indoor shoes that stay at the centre.

Behaviour Management:

Our centre recognizes and respects the distinctiveness of each child and we like to work with families to offer strategies for behaviour management in order to create a safe and happy environment. We use a combination of proactive and preventative approaches as well as set age appropriate expectations to help a child learn self-direction. We use clear rules and limitations.

When staff must intervene, it is in a respectful approach. They clearly define what the behaviour was, why it was not acceptable and work with the child to develop other ways to handle the situation. This is reinforced with consistent role modeling and positive feedback.

All children are encouraged to recognize and express their feelings and emotions. If a child is not able to function with a group in an appropriate manner, they may be moved away from the group for some quiet time. This will help the child to self direct and find control.

Physical punishment, the denial of physical necessities and verbal/emotional abuse is not permitted.

If a child does not adjust to the environment, the centre reserves the right to inform a family to make alternate child care arrangements. If a child, at any time shows behaviour that puts him/herself and others at risk, the director may give the family immediate notice to leave the centre and any pre-paid fees will be refunded.

Health & Safety:

  • Nutrition

Both A.M. and P.M. classes have snack time. The centre does not provide this snack; it needs to be brought from home.  Please do not send candy or gum to the centre.  Keep in mind that this is a peanut/nut free environment. To ensure the safety for children with this allergy, we take all possible precautions to prevent exposure to all allergens, through communication and awareness. We do not allow any peanut/nut products on the premises. This includes items that read “MAY CONTAIN PEANUTS/NUTS” on their label. Please do not send any treat to the centre that has this warning on its packaging. Please make sure you read all ingredient labels, and do not send anything with peanuts/nuts. Your co-operation and understanding in this matter is appreciated, as it is a very serious condition.

**If you serve your child peanut butter at home, please make sure his/her hands and face are well washed.**

Allergies and any dietary restrictions (note this does not mean dislikes) will be accommodated and posted.

  • Illness and Contagious Diseases

Please inform the staff if your child is ill and as to the nature of the illness, above all, if it is contagious. If your child is too ill to participate in the program, then he/she is too ill to be at the centre. Unfortunately we do not have the facilities to keep children that are sick, or have a communicable disease. Your child will not be accepted at the centre if he/she has a fever, or any sign of illness. We have the right to refuse admittance if the child has any of the following symptoms:

*unusual skin disorder, rash or infection

*heavy mucous and/or asthma symptoms (without medication)

*fever (temperature greater than 38.5 degrees Celsius or 101 degrees Fahrenheit)



If your child becomes ill while in our care, you will be contacted immediately. If we are unable to reach you, we will call the emergency numbers provided in your child’s file. Yourself or your emergency contact person must come and pick up your child immediately. You must contact the centre IMMEDIAETLY if your child has a communicable disease. At the time of notification, we will post a notice on our Parent Information Board. It will indicate what the disease is, the incubation period, symptoms to watch for and the usual treatments.

  • Medication

We understand that from time to time, it will be necessary for us to administer prescribed medication to your child. First and foremost is the safety of the child. You will be asked to complete and sign a medication form. The medication must be in its original container, with a label attached bearing the child’s name, current date, time and dose to be administered, number of days to be administered, and the pharmacy information. The medication will be kept in a locked box that is inaccessible to the children. All medications will be administered by an E.C.E., and then recorded on the medication form. No medication that has expired will be administered; we will refrigerate any medication that requires it. We will administer over the counter medications (such as Tylenol) ONLY with the written permission of the parent. The medication must be in its original packaging, and have a label with the child’s name, date, time and dose to be given. You may come to the centre to administer any non prescription medication, or provide written consent for your emergency contact on the enrolment forms to administer over the counter medications. We require any person administering the medication sign a medication form indicating, name of medicine, dose, date, time, and who administered the medicine. This will ensure that we have written documentation of any medications given while the child is in our care.

**Please note that if your child requires a medicated ointment for a rash a medication form will need to be completed, and all rules as stated above will be enforced.**

  • Accidents and Injuries

If a child is injured while in our care, the staff member(s) on duty will administer first aid immediately. If the child requires further medical treatment, we will contact you at the number(s) provided on your emergency card. In the case of an emergency, we will make sure that your child receives any necessary treatment until you are reached and notified of the situation. All staff members are trained in CPR and first aid. Please note if any child is injured at the centre, an accident form will be completed by the staff most closely involved. You will be required to read and sign the document. Documentation will be reviewed and filed by the director.

  • Emergency Evacuations and Fire Drills

The centre has written policies and procedures for all emergencies. Fire drills are held on a monthly basis and all staff is expected to know and practice the escape routines. Evacuation plans are posted in each room. Fire drills are documented on a monthly basis. Attendance lists, child emergency information and first aid kits are brought along and attendance is taken before the children can re-enter the building.

  • Child Abuse

All staff are well educated on child abuse regulations that forbid corporal punishment, deliberate harsh or degrading measures used to humiliate a child or undermine his/her self respect, deprivation of a child’s basic needs, and the use of a locked room to confine a child.

As teachers, we are required by law to report ANY occurrences that would constitute child abuse to Child and Family Services. Throughout the day teachers become aware of any unusual symptoms such as:



*drastic changes in behaviour and activities during the day

Teachers take notice of information received from the children during fantasy/dramatic play, art activities etc. Teachers have the right to make informal inquiries, using discretion, to the parents about any behaviours/symptoms they observe.

If a teacher finds reasonable grounds to suspect that a child in their care is in need of protection, that staff must promptly report the suspicion and any information upon which it is based to Child and Family Services. To ensure confidentiality, we make every effort to keep the incident contained. We insist with C.F.S., that the child is protected at all costs, and that all decisions made must be in the best interest of the child. Every effort will be made to keep an open and trusting relationship with the family, to protect the child and to maintain the child’s safety.

Please understand that it is a criminal offense not to report any incidence of child abuse.

Transportation Policy/ Field Trips:

            Transportation to and from the nursery school is the responsibility of the parent. This can be either by the parent or a properly designated alternate; however your child must legally be accompanied by a person over 16 years of age. Your child must be escorted in and out of the centre and will not be permitted to leave the centre unescorted at any time.

  • Arrivals: Parents are responsible for; removing the child’s outdoor clothing and putting them in the designated locker area, making sure their child has proper footwear on, checking that there are enough clothes and supplies for the day, and washing children’s hands upon arrival.

  • Departures: Parents are responsible for; dressing their child to go home, picking up all soiled clothing, and reviewing clothes and supplies for adequate stock.    

At the time of registration parents grant permission for their child to be taken on outings that are within walking distance of the centre.

            Throughout the year, your child may be taken on trips to special places of their interest. A permission form will be handed out prior to the trip informing you of where and when it will take place. The form must be completed and a parent signature is required for your child to go. There is a 24 hours notice as to when the field trip will take place. Your child should come dressed appropriately for these outings. A city transit bus will most likely be used. Parent volunteers are always beneficial to us on field trips.

Inclusion Policy

The goal of the nursery school is to be inclusive in providing developmentally appropriate group experiences for all children in a secure, stimulating, play based environment. We recognize all children have specific abilities and needs. The daily schedule is flexible, inclusive of children with additional support needs, and takes into consideration the individual developmental needs of the children. We will make every reasonable effort to accommodate children, to give all children equal opportunity to develop physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually to their fullest potential.

Areas are arranged so all children can move freely and make choices based on their abilities, interests and needs. Opportunities are provided for all children to participate in social free play and routines throughout the day. We believe that each child deserves an environment and experiences that promote growth in all areas of his or her development.

We respect and value input from parents and encourage them to be part of the decision making process for their child. We recognize the desire of the family but at the same time, we are required to meet regulations such as ratio requirements. We work with parents and early intervention professionals who have valuable knowledge and expertise to share with each other.

Staff members are strongly encouraged to receive professional development in current areas of child development. We are committed to learning more about various disabilities and full inclusion as part of our annual training whenever possible.

Parent Policies: Information Pack

204-761-5474 204-761-8734

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